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Virtual event streamed on social media by Streamovations

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InĀ  October 2020 Modere held their annual Virtual European social marketing summit. While they would have loved to be meeting in person, the health, safety and well-being of the whole community is a top priority for Modere. So instead they welcomed you virtually.Ā  All you needed to do is join the dedicatedĀ Virtual Summit Facebook Group (in English,Ā French, German or Italian). Easy right?!


Covid-19 thwarts conferences. Streamovations provides a solution.

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Due to the COVID 19 Modere could not hold its annual ā€œSocial Retail Conferenceā€. Modere contacted Streamovations to stream this conference in stead allowing the visitors to watch the conference at home. The results where amazing due to circumstances as more people watched the conference than the conference venue could hold. Streamovations is very proud…

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